Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

The day is not quite over, so we can still say Happy World Down Syndrome Day!  This is a special day for raising awareness and educating people about Down syndrome, and proclaiming the joy our loved ones with Down syndrome bring to our lives.

Here is a beautiful article that was forwarded to me today, written by Savannah Guthrie about her Uncle Pierce:  Savannah Guthrie: What World Down Syndrome Day means to me 

Pierce Franklin Long, Jr. was born on July 5, 1933. He was my mother’s older brother, my grandparents’ first child, their only son. Because he was born so close to the Fourth of July, my grandmother used to call him, “my little firecracker.” And it’s true that Pierce always sparkled with life and personality, with humor and charm....
Read the rest of this touching tribute to Savannah's Uncle Pierce here

Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome "Faith and Culture" viewers

If you are on the blog because you saw Colleen Carroll Campbell interview Eileen Haupt and I last night, welcome! We filmed that interview a couple of years ago in St Louis. Meanwhile KIDS is going strong, as you can see by the posts about the March for Life from Eileen. I was down with the flu and watching on TV. It was a historic March for Life, the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade, freezing cold, with 650,000 participants braving the cold. The photo of Eileen Haupt's hand holding the KIDS sign made it onto the Washington Post Blog photo essay on the March.

KIDS marchers are a wonderful group and we welcome you to our mailing list if you are interested in joining us in the March or just supporting our efforts in prayer.

Leave a comment below and tell us who you are.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

KIDS Re-airs on EWTN's Faith & Culture - Thursday 3/7

We just found out that Colleen Carroll Campbell's interview with Eileen and Leticia on her show Faith & Culture on EWTN will re-air on Thursday, March 7th, at 6:00 p.m. (EST). 

Leticia and I flew to St. Louis in October 2010 for the interview, and it first aired in the Spring of 2011.  It was a privilege for us to be guests on Colleen's show, reaching an international audience.  We talk about some of the joys and challenges of having a child with Down syndrome, promising new research that may alleviate some of the cognitive challenges that individuals with Down syndrome face, and more.

Come join us!  If you don't receive EWTN on your cable network, you can view EWTN livestream from this link:  (click on "Live.")