At 6PM EST, the Drew Mariani Show, as part of their Marian Retreat In Mary's Hands, will be playing my story of "The Prayers of a Little Saint" from Mary's Touch Program on Catholic Radio International. Afterwards, Drew and I will discuss the story, and may even take calls. I look forward to telling you how much my daughter Christina with Down syndrome has taught me though her simple trust in Our Lady.
You can listen to the show live by clicking on this link.
KIDS was formed for the purpose of gathering families who have chldren with Down syndrome and walking together in the annual March for Life in D.C. Our purpose is to raise awareness about the tragically high abortion rate of babies prenatally diagnosed with Down sydnrome. We wish also to proclaim the joys our special children bring to us.
`Welcome to KIDS!
If you would like to join our group, contact Eileen at or Leticia at marysjoys@yahoo.comand we will put you on our mailing list. We are also on Facebook.
KIDS families get together and walk as a group in the annual March for Life in D.C. in January. We will keep you posted of our plans for the 2014 March for Life at this blog.
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